Muscle strain and injury are common conditions that occur when the muscles experience excessive stretching or tearing of muscle fibers.

Injuries can range from mild strains to severe muscle tears, resulting in varying degrees of pain and functional limitations. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and anatomy of muscle strain and injury can help in their prevention, early recognition, and appropriate management.


Muscles are composed of bundles of muscle fibers, which are surrounded by connective tissue called fascia. Muscles attach to bones via tendons, allowing them to generate force and facilitate movement at joints.

Muscle strains and injuries commonly occur at the musculotendinous junction, where the muscle fibers merge into the tendon. This area is particularly vulnerable to strain due to the transition from contractile muscle tissue to the relatively less elastic tendon.

The severity of muscle strains is often classified into three grades:

In cases of severe muscle strains or complete muscle tears, medical intervention or surgical repair may be necessary.It is important to consult a healthcare professional for an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, and guidance.

Book an appointment or contact us to discover how our Doctors of Osteopathic medicine can help improve your health with a wholistic approach.

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