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Ankle and Foot Pain Treatment

Home || What We Treat || Ankle and Foot Pain Treatment

What are the reasons of ankle and foot pain?

There are many different reasons why the foot and ankles can ache. The foot and ankle consist of several small bones joined together by muscles, ligaments, and fascia to provide the strength, stability, and flexibility required for healthy foot and ankle function.

The following common conditions of the foot, ankle, and other areas that can cause pain include:

Acquired flat foot – When the foot’s inner side or inner arch flattens, it is known as an acquired flat foot. Overpronation is the rolling of the foot to the inside. If the heels of shoes are wearing out quickly and unevenly, it is usually noticeable. Ankle joint and Achilles tendon damage can result from excessive pronation, hurting your shins. Pain, change in foot shape, swelling, and knee pain or swelling are possible symptoms.

Plantar fasciitis – Inflammation and pain in the plantar fascia, a strong, fibrous band of tissue that extends from the bottom of the heel and sole towards the toes and maintains the foot’s arches, are symptoms of plantar fasciitis. Most often under the heel or instep of the foot, persons with plantar fasciitis frequently report it as a sharp ache. Standing for extended periods of time in uncomfortable shoes has the tendency to make it worse. Patients often report that standing up after being off their feet for a while makes it worse, and when the foot comes in contact with the floor in the morning can hurt. In rare cases, the sole of the foot may feel a bit numb, tingly, or somewhat swollen. Where the plantar fascia attaches in some cases of plantar fasciitis, a small bone spur can develop and pull on the heel, producing severe pain.

Achilles pain – The gastrocnemius and soleus tendons join to form the Achilles tendon, which is attached to the calcaneus bone at the back of the heel. Achilles pain, inflammation, or tendonitis in the Achilles can result in pain and tightness in this area.

Sprained ankle – Most often, the ligaments on the outside of the ankle are stretched as a result of a quick twisting or “going over” on the ankle joint. Swelling, pain, bruising, and ankle instability are typical symptoms. To exclude any fracture, an X-ray is necessary. In the first 24 to 48 hours, it’s frequently advised to rest, apply ice, elevate, and apply compression.

Prime Health Hub Osteopathy for Foot Pain

How does an osteopath deal with pain in the ankle and foot?

  • To increase the mobility of the joints and the flexibility of the muscles in the foot, we can employ a number of light massage and manipulation techniques, depending on the diagnosis, your age, and your level of fitness.
  • We frequently examine the muscles and joints in the lower limb, the knee, the hip, and the lower back, and we may treat any joint limitations and tight muscles we detect there. The foot and ankle will frequently operate better if the lower joints’ range of motion increases.
  • Specific balancing, strengthening, or loosening exercises may be advised.
  • We might provide guidance on footwear, strapping and brace supports, and lifestyle changes that enhance healing. We might suggest that you visit a podiatrist for advice and specialised foot support.
  • X-rays, scans, or other tests may be necessary to make a diagnosis. We may refer you to a GP for further examinations or medical care, including suggestions for painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Book an appointment or contact us to discover how our Doctors of Osteopathic medicine can help improve your health with a wholistic approach.

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