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What Happens If You Sit All Day?
Home || What Happens If You Sit All Day?

What Happens If You Sit All Day?

Are you experiencing lower back pain as a result of the prolonged sitting and lack of movement? Have you ever wondered why your back aches so badly while you sit for a long time in one place?

The source of the issue lies in your deep gluteal muscles, not your lower back muscles. Your pelvis is stabilized by these muscles, particularly the gluteus medius. They maintain your hips level, even as you walk.

On the other hand, the gluteus medius muscle stops working when you sit for a long time. Because of this, the pelvis becomes unstable when you finally stand and move. Can this have an impact on your lower back?

Definitely yes. Due to the fact that a weak or improperly fired gluteus medius causes your hips to swing more. This motion can affect the lower back muscles in two different ways.

The main function of the gluteus medius is to keep the pelvis steady. Your lower back muscles have to assist when the muscles are unable to do so, and they may get strained as a result of the hip-swaying.

How can you activate your gluteus medius again to prevent injuries when you move?

This can be done effectively by a complementary medicine known as acupuncture.

Acupuncture needles inserted into the gluteus medius tissue assist in reactivating this muscle group. In order to artificially contract and relax the gluteus medius and get it firing, acupuncture practitioners occasionally add a light electronic stimulus to the needles.

Try to incorporate activities or movements, such as bridging and clamshells, in between when working long hours sitting at a desk to keep your gluteus muscles active. If you’re facing issues with your back, get in touch with a qualified acupuncture practitioner and get back to a healthy life quickly.

Book an appointment or contact us to discover how our Doctors of Osteopathic medicine and Health professionals can help improve your health with a wholistic approach.

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