What is NLP Hypnotherapy?

NLP therapists help patients understand their emotional condition, aspirations, thoughts, and behavioural patterns. The therapist can help the patient identify and enhance their best skills as well as create new strategies to replace ineffective ones by looking at their mental map.

A trained expert, such as a psychologist, clinical hypnotherapist, mental health worker, or even a medical doctor, can provide clinical hypnotherapy, which combines hypnosis and psychological treatment.

What is Clinical Hypnotherapy?

In order to use hypnosis for therapeutic purposes, you must first be in a relaxed state of mind. Once you are in this condition, your therapist can talk to your subconscious mind and offer suggestions for dealing with certain problems like pain, anxiety, or addiction. Hypnosis, often known as being in a trance-like condition, is a “connector” that joins your subconscious and conscious minds. We can more quickly determine the underlying causes of destructive behaviour/habits that might otherwise take weeks to discover by accessing deeply buried memories, experiences, and repressed emotions. Because of this, a lot of medically educated and allied health practitioners are turning to hypnosis to help their patients get benefits faster.

What are the Advantages of Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Reduced acute and chronic pain

In almost every case, hypnosis intervention consistently showed significant improvements in a range of chronic pain conditions, according to a 2009 clinical hypnotherapy study comparing the outcomes of 13 different trials that examined outcomes from hypnosis-treated pain. (Elkins, Jensen, and Patterson 2019) pain that lasts for at least six months or more and may result in significant suffering and distress is referred to as chronic pain. Clinical hypnotherapy that included both practitioner-led training (during a session) and patient education on self-hypnosis (outside of a session) assisted in lowering pain from conditions like cancer, fibromyalgia, physical disability, arthritis, and lower back pain.

Reduced anxiety and depression symptoms

In almost every case, hypnosis intervention consistently showed significant improvements in a range of chronic pain conditions, according to a 2009 clinical hypnotherapy study comparing the outcomes of 13 different trials that examined outcomes from hypnosis-treated pain. (Elkins, Jensen, and Patterson 2019) pain that lasts for at least six months or more and may result in significant suffering and distress is referred to as chronic pain. Clinical hypnotherapy that included both practitioner-led training (during a session) and patient education on self-hypnosis (outside of a session) assisted in lowering pain from conditions like cancer, fibromyalgia, physical disability, arthritis, and lower back pain.

One in seven Australians experience depression at some point in their lives, and one in four will experience anxiety (Beyond Blue 2020). As a result, mental health issues are quickly growing to be Australia’s biggest public health problem. By enhancing physical and emotional control, lowering self-consciousness, and directing focused attention, clinical hypnotherapy may help those who are experiencing anxiety and depression (Stanford, 2016). In hypnotherapy, our clinical hypnotherapist will assist you in becoming relaxed before offering coping mechanisms that could aid in controlling your depressive and anxious symptoms. Your mind will learn to respond more effectively to challenging situations or emotions by using statements like “When you begin to feel stressed or worried, you will pause, breathe, and count to three.” Your mind is far more open to suggestions than usual when you are in the trance-like condition experienced during hypnotherapy.

Treatment of phobias or fears

The management of phobias and fears is one of clinical hypnotherapy’s most popular applications. According to Fredette, El-Baalbaki, Neron & Palardy (2012), a phobia is “a marked and persistent fear of the presence or anticipation of an encounter with a specific object or situation”, such as flying, spiders, huge crowds, etc. This may cause panic and/or worry in those who experience it, along with physical signs including heavy breathing, sweating, and an increased heart rate. In a 2008 study conducted in California, USA, it was shown that everyone who underwent hypnotherapy for a group of specific phobias, such as the fear of heights, driving, and snakes, saw an average 56.46% reduction in symptoms compared to their baseline score. The American Psychological Association reported in 1993 that “both common and uncommon phobias have been treated successfully with hypnosis,” typically using image-based therapy and suggestive desensitisation methods.

Addiction to drugs and alcohol

For those who struggle with drugs, alcohol, food, sex, gambling, and a variety of other concerns, clinical hypnotherapy can offer a drug-free alternative to controlling addiction and substance abuse. You are more receptive to suggestions and less resistant to confronting intense emotional trauma and memories that may have contributed to or started your addiction while you are under the influence of hypnosis. Clinical hypnotherapy may also offer a more optimistic perspective on your issue, giving you the self-assurance and willpower you need to overcome undesirable behaviours. Clinical hypnotherapy was found to increase participants’ willpower to resist addictive desires and cravings in a 2017 study by Sawni and Breuner.

According to the study, hypnosis has the capacity to “effectively alter the neurophysiological networks capable of rewiring specific patterns and conditioning” in the brain. This is very helpful when treating habits and addictions.

*It’s crucial to speak with your doctor before considering clinical hypnotherapy for drug or alcohol addiction in order to find out if it’s the best course of action for you.

Relationship and self-esteem concerns

The effectiveness of clinical hypnotherapy in enhancing interpersonal relationships and self-esteem is perhaps one of its most underrated uses. According to Kircsh (1995), hypnotherapy is a “process of psychological or mental healing (that can be used) to achieve desired goals like changing current feelings or behaviours.” Our negative attitudes, beliefs, and values about ourselves and our relationships can frequently be the source of these sentiments or behaviours, which can be harmful to our success or growth. Your capacity to spot patterns in your behaviour that can cause unfavourable results is improved by allowing you to delve deeper and explore underlying emotions and memories while under hypnosis. Our hypnotherapist will start to use suggested tactics to modify the way you communicate with yourself, value who you are, process situations, interact with people, and view life events from a different angle.

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